What to Expect
If this is your first session, please plan to arrive about 15 minutes beforehand for check-in, a brief orientation and review of our Private Membership Association Agreement and Informed Consent, if not already completed online.
Please be advised that there is a flight of stairs to get into our EESystem room. Our center is also home to two cats.
It’s recommended that you drink water before, during and after your session. Keeping hydrated is important, as the cells are being charged and activated in the System. You are welcome to bring your own water bottle and fill it with filtered, scalar-enhanced water which we have available. You may want to eat a light, healthy meal an hour or so prior to your session. Only water is allowed in the EESystem Room.
Dress comfortably in layers as your body temperature may fluctuate while in the energy field. You may want to wear cozy socks, as we recommend a shoe-free area unless you need your shoes for stability. Our entrance area has space for shoes, jackets and scarfs.
We have fleece blankets, eye covers, ear plugs and water, but please feel free to bring your own if you’d like.
Come with an open heart and mind, ready to relax, unplug, and celebrate your body’s natural healing ability.
During Session
Unlimited Light Wellness is a quiet space, where we do our best to use very soft voices in respect of those healing and meditating.
All cell phones must be turned off or put in airplane mode, and alarms and notifications silenced. If you are listening to your phone as a listening device, please place it in airplane mode.
Please be respectful of others by minimizing loud movements and limiting conversation while in the EESystem. Keep in mind however, that people will fall asleep in the EESystem, and some will snore. We have complimenry ear plugs if needed.
At least 80% of your sensory energies are spent interpreting signals through the eyes, so it is best to close your eyes and go.within for optimal healing. We have eye masks available for your use, as well as for sale.
While in the bio-active scalar and photon fields generated by the EESystem, every cell is bathed in beneficial, healing energy. Allow yourself to move into this awareness and to ease into various states of calm, meditation, gratitude, dreaming, and sleep.
Having a clear intention for your session is beneficial. Shifting your focus and attention on what you want to create is a powerful way to help you receive the most benefit in the scalar field.
Post Session
After your session, continue to drink plenty of pure water to remain well hydrated. You might try adding some lemon juice or a generous pinch of sea salt to your water to help increase cellular absorption.
Include plenty of raw organic foods in your dietary choices to support your rapidly changing cells and take care to avoid health-depleting chemicals and toxins as much as possible.
You may notice changes (subtle or more obvious) that may be occurring physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in the hours and days following your session.
Acknowledgment of the healing in your body may lead to increased body awareness, providing an important neuro feedback loop for the rapid changes occurring in your cells.
Follow the suggested Post-EESystem Detox Protocol. Salt assists your body in efficiently clearing toxins and heavy metals from your skin as they are released by your cells. Taking a 30-minute sea or Himalayan salt bath within 24 hours is ideal, although a salt bath will still be beneficial up to 72 hours post-session. Dr. Michael recommends immersing as much of your body as possible in the salt mix and using a hand towel that has been soaked in the salt water to cover parts of the body that are not submerged. If a full bath is not an option for you, a salt foot soak is the next best thing.
If you experience detox symptoms such as fatigue, headache, or temporary flu-like symptoms, increase your water consumption, take a salt bath and get deep, thorough rest. This should alleviate any discomfort.