Meet Gwen
As caretaker of our 8 unit EESystem, and an Energy Work Practitioner, my intention is to be of service on your healing journey.
I’m a Certified Emotion Code and Body Code, Healing Touch and Reiki Practitioner. I’ve been practicing energy work since 2010 and have found it to be powerful and beneficial for people and animals on all levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
When I heard the inventor of the EESystem, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael say that she is a hands-on healer who wants to bring healing to the world, I was immediately intrigued. I had long been interested in helping more people than I could with one on one sessions, but wasn’t sure how to do so. When I heard Dr. Michael talking about the technology she created, and how many people could be in one room, I was excited, but a little leery of the fact that it was technologically based. I had to experience it myself, and when I did I was amazed at how it felt like a very powerful energy work session, with troubled areas of my body being awakened or enlivened. I was also easily able to go into a deep meditative state. After each of the three sessions I had in three different centers in the northwest, I felt so peaceful, calm and centered. I instinctively knew opening a center was the next path on my journey.
I’ve lived in Sun Valley, Idaho, Sedona, Arizona, Lincoln City, Oregon, and am now thrilled to live in Canby, Oregon, “The Garden Spot.” I feel very blessed to have lived in all of these gorgeous places, each with its own unique energy. They all have incredible natural landscapes that have never ceased to fill me with awe and wonder, much like the amazing natural abilities of the human body, mind and spirit.