Our guest in October for the One Heart Collective will be Leland Holgate Sr., and the theme is It's All Happening For You! Leland is a veteran who healed himself from PTSD, being paralyzed, and having cancer! He created The Willfull Warrior practice which is based in Neuroscience, Psychology, and Ancient Breathwork techniques.
Leland will share an educational presentation and then lead us in a special breathwork meditation, where we will embody the new meaning we choose to give the problems we are facing, with a new process he has never before released!! We are so lucky to be the first, and it’s sure to be very powerful. We’re grateful to have the opportunity to enjoy his presence again.
At Unlimited Light Wellness, PMA we have two different ways you can join us: an overnight stay including the morning presentation and meditation, or the 7:00am presentation and meditation.